Wednesday, 28 November 2018

TSPSC Group 2 Revised Results for Certificate Verification | TSPSC Group 2 Revised 1:3 Selection List

1. It is to notify that as per the Orders of Hon’ble High Court in WP.No.18834,18929,21886&23173 of 2017dt12/10/2018.the Result Notification for verification of Certificates, dated 01/06/2017 has been revised.   
2. According to the directions of Hon’ble High Court, the candidates who committed errors in bubbling such as wrong bubbling, no bubbling, double bubbling of the information relating to Roll number, Question booklet number, center code etc and used whitener or eraser have been excluded from shortlisted certificate verification process in 1:3 ratio.  
3.  The following statements are published for information of candidates 
a. Revised list of 1:3 candidates for Certificate Verification  
b. List of candidates who have to attend Certificate Verification from 05/12/2018  
c. List of candidates who are excluded due to bubbling errors & violation of instructions to candidates in pursuance of Hon’ble High Court orders dated.12/10/2018. 
* If any candidate desire to applies for image of his OMR sheet he/she may send email to on or before 30/11/2018 duly furnishing his OTR number, Mobile Number & Hall Ticket Number.  The image or link will be communicated to the candidate’s email address with in a week.  
4. It is hereby notified that on the basis of the Written Examination held on 11/11/2016 and 13/11/2016 to the various posts under Group II Services, the candidates with the following Hall Ticket Numbers have been provisionally admitted in the ratio 1:3 for the verification of Certificates. After verification of original certificates, provisional list of eligible candidates for interview (Oral Test) in terms and conditions of the above notification will be announced separately.  
5. The candidates who are admitted for the verification of Certificates are required to produce the Original Certificates along with one set of Photostat copy duly attested by Gazetted Officer, relating to Age, Qualifications Community (Integrated) , Latest Creamy Layer exemption certificate in case of B.Cs as per Memo No.3009/BCW/OP/2009, Government of Telangana, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dt:18/12/2015 (prescribed format hosted on website), Certificates relating to claim of age relaxation, Study (from 4th class to 10th class) and if any, at the time of verification of certificates, failing which, TSPSC may not admit them to  subsequent process of selection. In terms of the notification, the candidates should possess the requisite qualifications as on the date of notification.  
6.  The verification of Certificates will be held in the office of TSPSC at Prathibha Bhavan, Nampally, Hyderabad on 05.12.2018 and 06-12-2018 at 10-30 A.M onwards. The candidates are requested to obtain and keep ready all the certificates as mentioned in the Notification.  
7. If, on further Verification it is found that any candidate is NOT eligible with reference to the particulars furnished by him/her in the Application Form / Check List / Certificates, the results of such candidate / candidates shall be cancelled at any stage of selection process.  
8. In respect of posts of Prohibition & Excise Sub-Inspector (Post code No: 5), the candidates have to undergo a Medical Examination before the competent Medical Board at Hyderabad and the P.H. Candidates have to undergo Medical Examination at respective Medical Boards.  
9. Of the candidates now shortlisted in 1:3 ratio, those who have already undergone verification of certificates on 12/06/2017 or 21/09/2017 to 27/09/2017, need not attend certificate verification again on 05/12/2018.
》Click below to download Group 2 Revised Results 

Group 2 Revised 1:3 List


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