Monday, 8 October 2018

New CCE Grading Reports Software V1.4 for Primary School included Gender,Overall Student,Subject,Class,School grades for 1000 students

This CCE(Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) Grading Reports has three reports.
They are
              Report-1:Subject wise Marks and Grade Report
              Report-2:Grade wise Students Report
              Report-3:Subject and Grade wise Abstract
Report-1 shows Subject wise Students Marks and grades.
Report-2 shows Grade wise Students names.
Report-2 shows Subject and Grade wise Abstract.
            Prepared a Excel based software for this New CCE Grading Reports.
            By using this Excel based software you can save your valuable time,get reports easily and accurate.
Report - 1
Report-2: Telugu
Report-2: Overall
Report -3 : Abstract

How to use:

  1. Enter your School Name.
  2. Enter your Mandal Name.
  3. Change your District.
  4. Choose class from drop down list.
  5. Choose Assessment from drop down list.
  6. Save your file as with Class and Assessment name by using save as option.
  7. In Report-1 when you enter Subject wise Marks then Grades automatically generated in this software.
  8. Report-2 and Report-3 data also filled automatically.
  9. Go to filter option to hide empty rows which are located on S.No(Repoprt-1),On Grades(Report-2:Select the grade that have highest student names) Click on it and choose Filter items then click on Select all, now unselect Blanks then empty rows will be hided.
  10. Go to Print Option to take print outs of Report 1,2 and 3.
  11. When you want use this already used software for another assessment and same class,then you change assessment and save with this as you changed assessment name with save as option and no need to change student names and change students marks only.then use 9th and 10th steps.
Note: 1. We have checked this software though you also check once before use.
          2. Send your feedback and advices to develop this software.
          3. Visit this website for update version.
    You can use this software on your android mobile with Microsoft Excel and WPS android apps also.You can download these apps from google play store.

    • Updated New CCE Grading Reports V1.1
    1. Extended rows for student names from 60 to 200.
    2. SA1 Subject total marks changed from 100 to 80.etc
    • Updated New CCE Grading Reports V1.2
      1. Gender(Boy/Girl) column added.
      2. Total marks in all Subjects and overall student grades added.
      3. Subject total marks and grade added.
      4. Class total marks and Grade added.
        Overall Report sheet added.
      1. Gender,Total,Grade columns and overall row added in abstract.
      • Updated New CCE Grading Reports V1.3

        1. Data Sheet added.
        2. You should enter all classes students names and subject wise marks in the data sheet.
        3. Go to Report-1 and choose class from drop down list.Then Report-2 and 3 filled according to your selected class.
        4. Report-3.1 & 3.2 added.
        5. In Report-3.1,You can get all classes subject & grade wise No.of children.
        6. In Report-3.2,You can get Gender wise all Subjects,all Classes,School total marks,Percentages,Grades.
        7. You can use this for 2000 students in a school.
      • Updated New CCE Grading Reports V1.4

        1. Subject Grades and Students Grades added in Data Sheet.
        2. You should enter all classes students names and subject wise marks in the data sheet.
        • So you can get all details (School and Assessment wise):
          1. Student subject grade.
          2. Student overall grade.
          3. Gender wise class subject grade.
          4. Gender wise school subject grade.
          5. Gender wise class grade.
          6. Gender wise school grade.
          7. Subject and grade wise student names.
          8. Student names overall grade wise.
          9. Overall subject and grade wise abstract.
          Click below to download New CCE Grading Reports Software V1.3 for Primary School. 

        CCE Grading Reports Software
        Watch video : How to use New CCE Grading Reports Software?


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