Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Instructions for VRO Candidate who will be writing VRO Exam on 16.09.2018

1. The hall ticket must be presented for verification along with at least one original (no photocopy or scanned copy) valid identification card (forexample: Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, Government Employer ID, Driving License). Aadhaar Card may be carried by thecandidate.
2. This hall ticket is valid only if the candidate’s photograph and signature images are legible. To ensure this, candidate is advised to get the printof the hall ticket on A4 sized paper using a laser printer, preferably a colour photo printer.
3. The candidates who do not have clear photographs or no photo on the hall ticket will have to bring two passport size photographs along with awritten representation to Chief Superintendent in order to be permitted to appear for the test.
4. The candidates should note that the OMR Answer Sheets are without Carbonless candidate sheets. A copy of OMR Answer sheetswill be made available in the Commission’s website immediately after completion of the image scanning.
5. The candidates must also, note that they must sign on the OMR based Attendance/Absentees proforma against their hall ticketnumber besides signing on the Nominal Roll.
6. The candidates should use black or blue ball point pen only to bubble answers in OMR sheet. And should bring Hall Ticket withoutfail.
7. The candidates should use black or blue ball point pen only to fill Test Booklet Series on side-1 of OMR sheet.
8. Whitener/Blade or Eraser MUST NOT BE USED ON OMR Answer Sheet.
9. Candidates will be permitted to appear for the examination, ONLY after their credentials are verified by centre officials.
10. Candidates will be subjected to frisking to ensure that they are not carrying any electronic or any other gadgets, mobile phone,tablets, pen drives, Bluetooth devices, Watch, Calculator, Log Tables, Wallet, Purse, Notes, Charts, Loose Sheets Or RecordingInstruments strapped to their body or pockets. Calculators are not allowed.
11. There may not be a guaranteed security facility for safe-keeping of valuable devices or personal belongings at the examination centre.
12. The gates of the Test Centres will be opened by 9.30 am and closed by 10.45 am. No candidate will be allowed to enter theexamination centre after closing the gate. Candidates are instructed not to wear shoes, Jewellery, Chains, studs and also wrist watchesto the Examination Centre.
13. The candidates should satisfy the Invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and photographs available on the Nominal Rolls andHall Ticket through valid Photo identification documents like Aadhaar, Pan Card, etc.
14. No candidate should leave the examination hall till the Examination time ends.
15. The Commission would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to detect patterns of similarity. If it issuspected that the responses have been shared and the scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Commission reserves the right to cancel his/her candidature and to invalidate the Answer Sheet.
16. The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that an Admission to the examinationdoes not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her applicationhave been accepted by the Commission as true and correct.
17. The candidates are expected to behave in an orderly and disciplined manner while writing the examination. If any candidate takes awayAnswer Sheet of OMR based examination, his/her candidature will be rejected and in case of impersonation/ disorder/ misbehavior duringExamination, necessary F.I.R. for this incident will be lodged with concerned Police Station, apart from disqualifying his / her candidature.
18. Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified from the selection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from thecandidates.
19. The Penal Provisions of Telangana Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractice and unfair means) Act, 1997 (Act No.25/1997) (Asadapted by the Telangana Adaption of Laws Order, 2016) will be invoked “if malpractice and unfair means are noticed at any stage of theExamination; besides debarment from appearing for the rest of the examination and future examinations of TSPSC and all other StatePublic Service Commissions and UPSC.
20.  (i) Wherever Written Examination is held, only those candidates who are blind are allowed to write the examination with the help of scribe and10 minutes extra time is permitted to them per hour.    
 (ii) An extra of 20 minutes per hour is permitted for the candidates with locomotor disability and CEREBRAL PALSY where dominate (writing)extremity is affected for the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment). Scribe is allowed to such candidates also.   
  (iii) Scribe will be provided by the Chief Superintendent concerned to those candidates who don’t have both the upper limbs for OrthopedicallyHandicapped. However, no extra time will be granted to them.      (a)The scribe should be from an academic discipline other than that of the candidate and the academic qualification of the scribe should beone grade lower than the stipulated eligibility criteria.      
 (b) The Candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking confirming the rules applicable.
21. The candidates are instructed to fill the following column in the nominal rolls in additional to the regular information.          
Question Booklet Series Code: 1 letter (The series are A/B/C/D).


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